NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: APPLETLK.NLM v3.07b DOCUMENT ID: TID350303 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 12AUG94 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: ATK307.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare for Macintosh 3.12 NetWare for Macintosh 3.011 NetWare for Macintosh Pre 3.011 ABSTRACT: This is APPLETLK.NLM v3.07b, which is the latest version released with NetWare v3.12. Also included within this file are new versions of ATCON.NLM, SNMP.NLM, NWSNUT.NLM and AFTER311.NLM. This new APPLETLK NLM includes several fixes and enhancements. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- SYMPTOM This new APPLETLK NLM includes several fixes and enhancements including the following: == Router Enhancements == (1) We resolved a problem in which the sender's network number in the first two bytes of the RTMP data portion was byte-swapped in all but the first packet of responses that required more than one packet. This problem was caused by a condition in a Phase 1 network, in which a node that learned its network number by broadcasting RTMP requests could be dynamically configured with the wrong network number. The sender's network number is now set correctly when multiple RTMP data packets are sent in response to an RTMP router data request. (2) In a previous release of APPLETLK.NLM, the last zone name of one reply packet and the first zone name of a subsequent reply packet for a multi-packet reply could be duplicated if routers without zones appeared in the routing table. Duplicate zones names sometimes appeared in the Chooser. This problem should no longer occur. (3) We fixed a problem in which LOAD and BIND commands could fail when zone names included leading, trailing, or embedded spaces, or when certain keywords were used in the BIND or LOAD command line. LOAD and BIND commands with LOAD or BIND command line keywords are now allowed. LOAD commands that use zone names with leading or embedded spaces are now allowed; however, on the LOAD command line, the quotation marks in the zone name cannot be preceded with a space. For example, zone={ "MYZONE"} and zone={"MYZONE "} are NOT allowed. BIND commands that use zone names with leading, trailing or embedded spaces are now allowed. (4) Previously, the AppleTalk router advertised itself as a NetWare router through NBP using the name "NetWare AppleTalk Stack/Router" instead of the actual server name. Now the AppleTalk router correctly advertises itself as ": NetWare Router @ ." (5) The periodic CPU utilization peaks caused by RTMP as observed on slower machines on large internets has been fixed. Formerly, the CPU utilization as seen in the Monitor utility went up to almost 100% about every 10 seconds. This is no longer the case. (6) The message informing you that an RTMP router has gone down has been changed from a warning message to an informational message. It no longer appears on the console screen by default. == Stack Enhancements == (1) We resolved a problem with the AppleTalk protocols in which some users reported difficulties maintaining idle ADSP connections. In the previous release of the APPLETLK.NLM, applications such as NetWare for SAA, NetWare SQL, and some third-party applications could lose their ADSP connections if the application did not receive transmitted data after a couple of minutes. For example, a backup application lost its ADSP connection to the Macintosh during the time it took to change a tape cartridge on the backup device. In this new release of APPLETLK.NLM, this problem should not occur. (2) Previously, AFP sessions would hang under certain limited conditions. An ASP ATP request was checked to determine that it came from the correct remote endpoint. If this check failed for any reason, AppleTalk disregarded subsequent requests, causing the AFP session to hang. This problem was fixed in version 3.06 of the APPLETLK.NLM and should not occur in the latest release. == SNMP Support Enhancements == (1) APPLETLK.NLM now loads SNMP.NLM v2.08 (the SNMP agent, which is included with the NetWare 3.12 operating system) when APPLETLK.NLM itself is initialized. This enhancement means that ATLKSNMP.NLM, provided with NetWare for Macintosh v3.011, is no longer required and is not included in NetWare for Macintosh v3.12. == ATCON.NLM Enhancements == (1) The ATCON module now combines Router Statistics and Stack Statistics. The AppleTalk Statistics information includes both a router counter and a stack counter. (2) ATCON now reflects NBP registration for the AppleTalk protocols. The NBP type of the stack is "NetWare AppleTalk Server." SOLUTION Follow the directions in the section called "Installation Instructions." Self-Extracting File Name: ATK307.EXE Revision: A Files Included Size Date Time \ ATK307.TXT (This File) SNMP.NLM 57660 04-06-93 3:44p ATCON.NLM 112042 05-25-93 9:25a NWSNUT.NLM 160623 06-15-93 3:40p AFTER311.NLM 25290 05-25-93 4:35p APPLETLK.NLM 233846 05-11-93 6:00p Installation Instructions: 1. Rename APPLTLK.NLM, SNMP.NLM, NWSNUT.NLM and ATCON.NLM to their respective names with a .OLD extension (e.g. *.OLD). 2. Copy the new files included in this compressed file to SYS:SYSTEM. 3. Down the server and reboot, or unload and reload each of these NLMs as you would from the AUTOEXEC.NCF file. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ÿ